People Like You Like People Like Me

People like me stand on the edges of bridges,staring down,watching the provocative swirling water reach out;beckoning to heal,to bury my heart at the bottom of the sea so I can be part of something. People like me walk with nooses around our necks.People like me beg that we can take no more,so people like youContinue reading “People Like You Like People Like Me”

Book Review- A Little Life by Hanya Yaginahara

Every once in a while, a reader encounters a book that is both the best and the worst book they ever read, and they won’t stop talking about it. They will however tell you that they would not recommend it to anyone. That book is “A Little Life” by Hanya Yanagihara. The book follows fourContinue reading “Book Review- A Little Life by Hanya Yaginahara”


We could wait forever by these shores,As wet clay begets dry clay begets…statues washed by these streams,frozen lovers of the river goddess;We could wait forever. Eons would go by and we would wait,fingers welded together…watching the seasons dance into each other,listening to the scorch that glues your finger to mine;We could wait forever The streamContinue reading “Thirst”